My Health Portal
We appreciate your trust in choosing St. Joseph Health for your healthcare. Because we know it’s important for you to have access to your medical records, we’ve developed this secure Medical Records Portal. This tool makes it easy for you to access your medical records and interact with St. Joseph Health physicians, clinicians, and other care providers.
If you’ve been a patient at one of our hospitals or outpatient clinics, you can access your information by selecting one of the portals below. To sign up, you’ll need your Medical Record Number, which can be found on your discharge paperwork. If you’ve been a patient at one of our hospitals you can contact our Health Information Management Office at 979.776.2908 for your medical record number. If you’ve been a patient at one of our physician offices, you can access your information by contacting the Healthcare Referral and Coordination line at 979.774.2121.
Frequently Asked Questions
To review our FAQs, click here to learn more.
My Hospital Patient Portal
If you’ve been a patient at St. Joseph Health Regional Hospital, St. Joseph Health College Station (after June 15, 2020), St. Joseph Health Madison Hospital, St. Joseph Health Burleson Hospital, or St. Joseph Health Grimes Hospital, click here to access your information.
You may be able to use another application to access your health information if you prefer. To do so, you will need to first set up a portal account at My Hospital Portal. The username and password you choose will be the security component for your health information and make it possible for you to access and import it.
Applications currently available for use at St. Joseph Health System facilities:
- The MyLinks application www.mylinks.com
- mHealth app: Download from Google Play or Apple App stores on Apple iOS (min version 10) or Android (min version 5)
As other applications become available, we will list them here.
Please note: Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) reserves the right to disable a third-party application, if needed. That application’s terms of use will apply and CHI will not have the control or ability to secure the data you place within that system.
Accessible Login for Visually Impaired
Click here to access your information.
My Physician Office Visit Portal
If you’ve been a patient at a St. Joseph Health Physician’s office, click here to access your information.
You may be able to use another application to access your health information, if you prefer. To do so, you will need to have an email address.
Currently available for use:
- The MyLinks application www.mylinks.com
When you first use the MyLinks application, you will be redirected to sign up for a Google account, unless you already have one. The username and password you choose will be the security component for your health information and make it possible for you to access and import it.
As other applications become available, we will list them here.
Please note: Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) reserves the right to disable a third-party application, if needed. That application’s terms of use will apply and CHI will not have the control or ability to secure the data you place within that system.
My Cardiac Portal
If you’ve been a patient at Cardiovascular Surgery of Brazos Valley, click here to access your information.
My Cancer Center Portal
If you have been a patient of St. Joseph Cancer Center, click here to access your information.
Take care of your medical details with one convenient tool
By accessing one of the portals listed above, you’ll be able to:
View your Medical Records
- Personal health records
- Visit summaries
- Lab results
- Referral information
View your Health Profile
- Documented allergies
- Immunizations
- Current medications on file
Make Appointments
- Schedule an appointment with a St. Joseph Health physician
- View past and future appointment history
Download and Share your Visit Summary
Email Your Physician
- If you’ve been a patient of a St. Joseph Health physician, you may send a message to your physician or clinician to ask questions, request prescription refills, or request a physician referral.
Find a Doctor
Looking for a doctor? Perform a quick search by name or browse by specialty.