Patient and Visitors
Patient & Visitor Information
Welcome to St. Joseph Health. Our team is dedicated to the well-being of our patients, visitors, and the community. Please find information below to help you navigate your healthcare journey and know what to expect as you visit our facilities.
If you require assistance, please inform the registrar or your nurse.
You also may find useful information at:
Hearing Loss Association of Houston
Hearing Loss Association of America
Spiritual Care
Our Spiritual Care teams are available 24/7 at all St. Joseph Health facilities to help meet the emotional and spiritual needs of our patients and their families. Please contact a member of your care team if you need to speak with someone from the Spiritual Care department. For an area of solace, our hospital chapels offer a place of reflection and prayer for all faiths. Each St. Joseph Health chapel is open to all. Ask any member of our hospitals’ staff for chapel locations.
Patient Safety
For FY26, our Hospital is focusing on improving the safety and quality of our care. We are committed to Patient Safety as a core value of our hospital and have a long term goal of zero preventable harm. Focused performance improvements include but are not limited to: Acute Care and Ambulatory Care Patient Experience, Mortality, Readmissions, Hospital Acquired Infections such as CAUTI, CLABSI, C. Difficile, Patient death or serious injury associated with a fall while being cared for in a healthcare setting, and Stage 3, Stage 4, and unstageable pressure ulcers acquired after admission/presentation to a healthcare setting. For measurable results of our efforts, please review the Hospital Compare website.
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