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Halloween is that magical time of year when your child can dress up as their favorite character or spooky monster. You want your little one to get into the Halloween spirit, but you also want to keep them safe. We’ve got you covered. Read on to learn about some common Halloween safety issues and how you can prevent an emergency.
Halloween isn’t complete without a fabulous costume, but how can you be sure your kid will be safe in their ghoulish garb? When costume shopping, make sure whatever you buy is non-flammable. If your little one has chosen a dark-colored costume, attach reflective tape in key places on their outfit so that motorists will see them on the street. Also, if your child’s costume requires face paint, spot test the makeup on a small patch of skin on their arm before the big day to make sure it won’t irritate their face.
There’s nothing more festive than decorating a pumpkin for Halloween. However, young children should not handle sharp objects. Don’t let that put a damper on your fun! Instead of carving a pumpkin, give your little one an assortment of non-toxic markers and paints and allow their creativity to flow. You can also give your child a black marker and have them draw out a design. Once they finish drawing, you can carve it out for them. Only use knives made for carving pumpkins, and keep your tools and area dry at all times to prevent slips.
Accompany young trick-or-treaters on their quest for candy. Bring flashlights with fresh batteries, and make sure that you have a fully charged phone. Only go down well-lit streets. If your trick-or-treaters are older and wish to go out on their own, plan a route with your child. Make sure they know to stay with their established group of trick-or-treaters and not wander off alone. Set a curfew for them to arrive home by, and supply them with flashlights and cell phones. Advise them only to cross streets in designated areas and to look both ways before stepping into the road.
Inspect any treats your child receives to make sure none of the wrappers are broken. Thomas Campbell, MD, physician at St. Joseph and Texas A&M Health Network - College Station, TX, reminds parents, “If your child has an allergy, immediately remove any candy that contains the allergen so your child doesn’t accidentally consume it.”
Planning ahead for Halloween helps you avoid preventable safety issues. Locate your nearest St. Joseph Health emergency room so you know where to go should the need arise. Our experienced emergency teams have the skills and resources necessary to provide the best care possible.
AAP | Halloween Safety Tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics
CDC | Halloween Health and Safety Tips
Safe Kids Worldwide | Halloween Safety Tips
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