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Tammy Michael


“I highly recommend it (the gastric sleeve procedure). It is definitely the way to go. No doubt.”

I never really had a weight problem, but as I got older I developed a health condition that contributed to some weight gain. The real problem started after I had serious car accident. Following the wreck I had several major surgeries which left me feeling terribly bloated and uncomfortable. I did the shakes and bars diets for a while. They worked, but as soon I stopped, I gained all the weight back.

Dr. Alford did the surgery. We were able to see him the week after we went to the free seminar where we heard about the different options. My husband supported me on my choice of the “sleeve” surgery. I’d heard good things about it from others at the post office where I work. It didn’t seem like it was all that drastic, so I made an appointment around my work schedule and had the surgery in September of 2012.

All in all, it was a very easy procedure. The hardest part was that you can’t eat or drink (directly) afterward. But I really had absolutely no problems. I was home the next day. And once I got past the first six weeks, I felt great. I (choose to) eat smaller portions, but I do go to support groups meeting once-a-month and it amazes me what people can still enjoy. I used to be such a fried shrimp eater and all fried stuff. It doesn’t even appeal to me anymore.

I lost more than 80 pounds and nothing fazes me anymore. I have lots of walking on my route, and I do walk on my treadmill. That’s the only exercise I do. I didn’t expect to get down to this weight and I lost it in my first six months! I feel better about myself. My knees, my ankles, nothing bothers me. It helps me keep up with my granddaughters. I like being able to talk to somebody if they want to know about it. And I do.

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