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Membership in the St. Joseph Health WellFIT program includes no contract and no enrollment fee!
Payments being made to the St. Joseph Health WellFIT Program are due by the 1st of each month. To cancel, or put your membership on hold, written notification is required by the last day of the previous month. Written notification can be submitted via mail, email or hand
delivered to a WellFIT staff member, but until written cancellation is received, members will continue to be billed. Closing for the Holidays, natural disasters, and mechanical failures are not refunded.
Bills will be generated on the 1st of every month and a bill is then mailed by the 10th of the month. Members are considered delinquent if payment has not been received by the 15th of the month. Automatic credit card payments can be set up by filling out the appropriate information on the registration form. Checks should be made payable to St. Joseph Health WellFIT Program (CHISJHWFP).
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