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A cancer patient and her oncologist discuss the next steps in her treatment plan.

Cancer survivorship support and services in Bryan, Texas

Developing a plan for life after cancer.

At St. Joseph Health, our goal is to help make life after cancer the best it can be. With medical and technological advances in cancer treatment in our country, increasingly more patients are becoming cancer survivors.

To support the best outcome for every patient, our expert team begins survivorship planning at the time of cancer diagnosis, connecting you to the resources and services you’ll need throughout and following your cancer journey. Tailored to fit your unique needs, these health and wellness services may include:

As part of survivorship services, our team will coordinate care to proactively address potential side effects of cancer treatment, such as weight gain, decreased strength and endurance, diminished range of motion, and swelling of the arms for breast cancer patients.

We will also link you to our network of providers, who can assist you at any stage of your active treatment, well into survivorship.

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