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Speech Therapy

St. Joseph Health serves the Brazos Valley with the largest team of speech therapists in the region and provide speech therapy in acute care hospitals and outpatient therapy clinics.  

Our team is committed to using both traditional and innovative techniques to bring the best results in the shortest amount of time, and provides speech therapy for all ages – pediatric to seniors. 

Speech therapists (also known as speech-language pathologists) specialize in communication disorders, as well as swallowing and feeding disorders. St. Joseph Health speech therapists evaluate, diagnose, treat and help to prevent disorders related to speech, language, cognitive-communication, voice, swallowing and fluency. 

Compassionate speech therapists with expertise in these issues:

  • Difficulty producing speech sounds or cannot produce them clearly
  • Problems with speech rhythm and fluency, such as stuttering
  • Voice disorders, such as inappropriate pitch or harsh voice
  • Problems understanding and producing language
  • Cognitive communication impairments, such as attention, memory and problem solving disorders
  • Swallowing and feeding difficulties

Speech Therapist Programs:

  • VitalStim therapy for Dysphagia
  • Modified Barium Swallow Studies for infants, children, and adults
  • Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) LOUD for Parkinson’s Disease
  • Myofascial Release and Manual Techniques for Dysphagia / Facial Nerve Palsy
  • Beckman Oral Motor Therapy
  • Infant/Pediatric Feeding and Oral Aversion
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Cleft palate / resonance training
  • Aerophagia / GERD Program
  • Pre-Laryngectomy Counseling
  • Head and neck cancer swallowing rehabilitation

Getting Treatment

Speech Therapy requires a physician referral. You are encouraged to share this information with your physician and talk about the possible benefit of this program for you.

We understand the frustrations and limitations of living with speech problems, and we’re passionate about bringing you relief.

Contact us today to learn more:
[email protected]

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The Mental and Physical Benefits of Self-Kindness

DEC 15, 2020

Many people are able to show compassion or kindness to others, but to treat oneself with goodwill is an undervalued skill with important benefits. Self-compassion is the ability to turn understanding and acceptance inward, and recent studies have fou

Read More Additional information about The Mental and Physical Benefits of Self-Kindness | St. Joseph Health

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